Monday, September 17, 2007

International Deaf Dogs Among Other Animals

Above video is to inform the international deaf community. I thought about sharing this video will enable those in the deaf community in a particular country to help spread the word to adopt a deaf dog close to home who needs a home. It looks like they are available in England and Ireland. A few are still in need of a home and those who do, you'll see a link of them for adoption. Those that don't have a link, it means they have found a home. The links are available to check out on the video. Not something the American deaf community can do for these deaf animals as they're overseas! That's when the international deaf community need to step in :) Spread the words, our international friends! :) It was inspiring to watch this video.


  1. Touching video.

    ~ LaRonda

  2. Yes, I agree with you, LaRonda. Ditto

  3. agreed, Laronda, beautiful video!

