Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dallas, Texas -- A Deaf Dog Euthanized End of Week


P.S. The person who has this deaf pitbull said he already has 2 dogs and lives in a small condo. He took this deaf pitbull from a terrible home. Now, a pitbull rescue group has a custody of him and the rescue group said they have a list of approved applicants who want to adopt a pitbull. The deaf pitbull went home to one of the approved applicants. The person at rescue group said this deaf dog is now in a good home, will be loved and spoiled, given the care he needs.

I have a friend that has the greatest dog. It is a 1 year old white pit bull who is really sweet. The only draw back is that the dog is deaf. My friend can't keep the dog anymore and can't find anyone to take him. He said that by the end of the week he is going to take him to the SPCA and pay $35 to have him put to sleep. Please, if anyone out there has the room and the love for this dog please let me know. I live in an apartment and can't keep him. Please call me ASAP (214)603-3154!!! No fees at all he just needs a home!!!!

P.S. Katherine here: I once fostered a pitbull (hearing) that I rescued from the street and it is the most lovable dog I've ever met. It is now placed in a very loving home through the help of a rescue group. Don't think all pitbulls are vicious and those that are vicious are because of human's training, not the pitbull breed itself. I know some people with deaf pitbulls and they're a wonderful pet. Did you know that this famous dog on "The Little Rascal" TV show is a pitbull?


  1. How mean of the person for treading us like that. Poor dog!

  2. It is sad and too common that deaf dogs/cats are likely to be given up or euthanized. Worse when some of their own members, deaf humans, turn the other cheek when their help is needed. If we, deaf humans, do not like how we are treated, we need to ask ourselves, "Did I do enough or do my part as a deaf person for the deaf animals?"

    I'll be posting a story about Mikey soon, the deaf cat, who was just adopted by a deaf person. All of 6 hearing cats living in the same house as Mikey, including his own sister got adopted when the owner died but not Mikey. By those who know the owner's daughter's admittance, they didn't think anyone would want to adopt a deaf cat.

    That is what happened to other deaf animals in search of home. It is why I started this blog in hopes of increasing awareness and involvement from the Deaf community, both the deaf and hearing members.

  3. Please contact the owner that WE DO NOT believe nor tolerate their excuse for getting rid of the dog JUST BECAUSE its deaf! The owner using dogs to "hear" for them??? Please give the owner tips on raising Deaf dogs and give him/her links to websites. That's the first priority...have the pup stay home! Yes, pit bulls can be wonderful and loyal and sweet and they've been given BAD RAP cuz of people supporting dogfighting and using pitbulls for that.

  4. Ella,

    I appreciate your frustration.

    I would encourage you to call at the ph# that is available on the blog to get in touch with this owner. Or even better, deaf/hearing members of the deaf community in Texas area to offer to foster until a home is found. Time is running out and the owner may not change his/her mind.

    With pitbulls, about 60% of them are usually the make up of the amount we see at the shelters unlike 10-20 years ago -- only 5-10%. So, many of them have been euthanized and I worry about this deaf pitbull. I am as furious as you are about how their breed gets a bad name.

    Hearing dogs/cats also have been surrendered for no good reason as well. It is just that deaf animals are the least likely to be adopted or wanted of the two.

  5. I was so glad I was able to rescue this beautiful boy. he a very special boy and will get all the love and affection he needs at his new home. He will be spoiled rotten


  6. Ginger:

    Thanks so much for saving this deaf pitbull's life as well as giving him a chance! Not only will he be spoiled rotten but also he will spoil you with plenty of hugs and licks! Bless you...

  7. this is horrible! I have a male white pitbull with a dark brown patch around his right eye. when we first got him we thought he was not the smartest dog. he was extremly hard to house train and come to find out he is deaf! yes it was difficult to b patient with him, but h is the best thing that has happened to me!

    it makes me wonder if people lik your friend, were to have a deaf child would they just dropit off some where or kill it?
