Hey Everyone:
Someone found him in a grocery store parking lot about 4 or so weeks ago. He had been tied up and had lost all the hair around his neck. He was filthy, covered in oil, fleas and mange. He has been cleaned up treated for mange and fleas and given some shots. His mange has almost completely healed (he will need a second dip this coming week) but I am not sure all the hair around his neck will ever grow back fully. He has a great attitude and loves other dogs. He is puppy to the core and is very inquisitive. If you think Houston is a right fitting dog in your family, please email Cathy at crazypaws@tmail.com or deafpaws@yahoo.com.
I was wanting to know if he is house trained or not and how much it would be to adopte him. Also has he had all of his shots? Please email me back at signgal05@yahoo.com