Monday, October 29, 2007
Paypal is the fastest way you can send your money to Katherine/Marley, but be aware it comes with an automatic deduction. Paypal will deduct between %1.9 to %2.9 and .28 cents from your donation. For example, if you send $20.00, Katherine and Marley will get $19.12, and Paypal will get .88 cents. Send $50, Katherine gets $48.25. Not so bad? Send away! Every little bit helps!
Don't want to use Paypal but still want to contribute? Use your credit card to pay - see below:
Many thanks to Deaf258 for his help in finding this site & guiding me through the Paypal craziness :)
Marley in Critical Condition

The heart and soul of this website, Katherine is now at the emergency room with Marley, her deaf dog who is about to turn 4 years old on October 31st. Four possible reasons, not yet confirmed until more testing, that is contributing to the shut down of Marley's liver is: 1) poison 2) leptosporsis 3) cancer 4) obstruction.
It has cost thousands of dollars to hospitalize Marley and find out what's wrong with Marley while hoping for recovery. Help contribute to Marley's fund! Check here: Marley's latest prognosis.
Here are the options:
OR for those who don't have a Paypal account, but want to pay right now via credit card:

For those who don't want to have anything to do with computers...
Write a check to: Raychelle Harris with Katherine/Marley in memo line. Mailing address: 1101 W. Virginia Ave. Apt. 204 Washington DC 20002
OR give cash to Raychelle in person if you are in DC metro area. Contact her at: raleha (at) tmail . com
Please make sure you include your contact information because after receiving the money, I will e-mail Katherine and you and list the amount so you both know the transaction was successful and all parties knows where your money went!
Please send all your positive thoughts to Marley who is in critical condition. Deaf Animal Row blogging will also temporarily be suspended for now. Thank you for all your support during this difficult time for Katherine and Marley.

Friday, October 26, 2007
Deaf Animal Transportation from MA to DC
The Metrowest Animal Society has asked DeafAnimalRow if they could post it here to see if there is anyone to volunteer and help with transportation. Two deaf brother cats, Harpo and Zeppo, have found a wonderful home in DC close to Gallaudet, and yes together! We are in search of anyone who plans to drive from Massachusetts to one of these cities, NYC or Philadelphia or DC. Now, if the person will go to NYC from Massachusetts, then I need to know if there's someone from NYC who is able to transport the cats to Philadelphia or straight to DC. This is all voluntary and is how it works with rescues. Please contact Thank you.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Deaf Pup in IL Needs to Get Out This Weekend
He is 4 month old American Pit Bull Terrier and he is deaf. He is neutered, vaccinated (3 sets of distemper, and microchipped. He is very good with children and other dogs. He is a bit rough for cats right now. He needs to be moved by this weekend as this is very urgent.
Please contact me if you can adopt him, foster him or know of any rescue that can even take him even on a temporary basis.
If you can help with this boy, please contact me at
Tracy at
Tracy Caccavella
Reach Out Rescue, NFP
(708) 243-8304
DeafAnimalRow here: Please be mindful that most rescues are full. It's adoption or foster that will make a room for him.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Don't Walk But Run for Sugar's Life!
URGENT!!! Sugar - Posted October 6th
Humboldt CO AS-McKinleyville, CA

My name is Sugar and I need rescue ASAP! Humboldt County Animal Shelter, 980 Lycoming Road, McKinleyville, CA 95519 Phone: (707) 840-9132 More from Jean: "I am an All-American girl about 18 months old, and am spayed. I am sweet, gentle, loving, happy and playful. I love everyone I meet and am especially fond of children. They tell me I�d be best with kids at least maybe 5 years old because I love to jump on people I like and I might knock smaller kids over. Playing with other dogs is one of my passions. I have been given a lot of pooch playmates, even ones twice my size, and I just have had a wonderful time with every one of them. I love to run and romp with people, too. Ball-chasing and fetching is not one of the games I like but I do love to run after a stuffed toy and give it a good shake. I have met a few cats and while I�m interested in them, as soon as they let me know who�s boss, I am convinced and leave them alone. My breed mix is probably one or more of the following: lab, pit bull terrier, Dalmatian, whippet. I am slender and agile and I weigh 30-35 pounds. While I am all white, there are light brown spots on my soft ears and under my body coat, you can see faint spots. I have one brown eye; the other is blue. While I sound like I could fit most anywhere, I do need some special consideration because I am deaf. This doesn�t get in my way for being a good companion, though. I have already learned some hand signals and I enjoy being with people so much that I am always handy for getting a pet or a treat when I have earned praise.I came to Humboldt County Shelter as an injured stray, having been hit by a car. My leg was not seriously injured and I am just fine now. I had been here before as a stray; after this last time, my owners, who didn�t want to keep me safe in a yard, let me go. I hope to find someone who will give me a cozy home filled with love and play and will make sure I am safe from cars and other things that could hurt me. I will return that love a thousand-fold. I want to be with my people most of the time and be able to be in the house when they are. People who are interested in meeting me or want to know more about me can phone the Humboldt County Animal Shelter at 707-839-3148. Or, call one of my human friends, Jean, at 707-839-3148 email
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Marcel Does It Again!
Food for thought:
Deaf JRTs are welcome to participate in GTG, Racing, Agility and Obedience but Conformation through JRTCA. Conformation is for "perfect" dogs. In their perspective, deafness is a fault therefore deaf JRTs are disqualified from entering Conformation. Hope that'll change in the future.
It is also sad that the policy of JRTCA's rescue known as Russell Rescue, Inc. (RRI) is not to take in a deaf JRT from any shelters before placing them in foster homes like they do with many hearing JRTs due to liability. Hello, what liability!?!? Many, many people will say deaf dogs are the most sweetest one'll ever get to know. I can't believe it is happening in this day and age. Talk about ignorance. However, if we compare them with Dalmatian Club of America (DCA) and Boston Terrier Club of America (BTCA) among few others that we may not be aware of, JRTCA isn't too bad as they do not have a position stating to everyone who has a deaf dog of their breed to be euthanized. More about some of these cruel breed specific Clubs of America or America Kennel Clubs in future blog.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Our Teki, 3rd Generation Deaf
I had promised Katherine a video of our ASL-Deaf dog Teki, but many incidents came up since our conversation on VP a few months ago. I decided to write this instead and then will post a video of Teki at a later date.
We will soon celebrate our first anniversary with Teki, on December 7th. When we decided to get a dog, we knew we would get a dog from a shelter. We then decided it would be a Deaf dog. The reason for that is that my husband and I are both ASL-Deaf, and our two daughters are ASL-Deaf, so a Deaf dog would fit in beautifully with our family.
We searched for a deaf dog on and in the “Special Needs” section of We finally found 11-month-old Teki in a shelter in Florida. He had been a stray, so we have no idea where he had been before he arrived at the shelter. After a few weeks of emailing back and forth with the lady from the shelter, she prepared Teki for his flight (yes he experienced flying on a plane successfully) from Florida to Buffalo. Our family was excited about the arrival of our "new baby." My husband drove from our home in Ontario, Canada to Buffalo to pick up the adorable dog we had only seen in a picture.
We named our new Deaf dog Mostekken. I had become fascinated with the definition of Mosdeux from the Mosdeux blog and decided to take “Mos” (meaning Deaf) and searched other languages for a suitable spelling to mean “Sign”. I found “Tekken” which means “Sign” in an online dictionary from the Dutch language. When I put these two words together we liked it, but it was too long to spell, so we shortened it to “Teki.”
When Teki arrived at our home, he had no eye contact with us. He focused mostly on the floor and playing with toys. His first ASL word is, of course, “SIT”. He picked up on it so fast so that we knew he is very intelligent. He learned WALK, BATHROOM, CAR, FOOD, BED that first week. Since then, he has learned many more words. Now, almost one year later, he has eye contact with all of us, and has amazing eyesight! I have lots of stories about Teki, but I will save them until we can tell them in ASL in video.
It’s so much fun to have a Deaf dog, and so easy to train when you already have ASL as your language, and you just teach him the words. If you are considering adopting a dog or even a cat, please remember those deaf dogs and deaf cats sitting and waiting somewhere in a shelter, possibly waiting to die. Please do not waste their lives, simply because they are deaf. Adopt them from DeafAnimalRow or
Since we got Teki, we have had the desire to get another Deaf dog, but I think we will wait till we have a larger backyard for 2 dogs. One day we shall….
Friday, October 19, 2007
Where is Deaf Community for Many Peter Pans??

Many of members in the Deaf community wouldn't allow to be treated like this because they are deaf or hard of hearing, but why are not many in our own community extending our hands to adopt, foster or rescue to buy time for a deaf animal in need? These animals can't take a stand like we could for ourselves. How do you expect the hearing world to listen to us about various issues if we turn our own back on deaf animals -- our very own? This is our opportunity to educate and show the hearing world about deaf animals by having them. Many of them in the hearing world do the adopting, fostering and rescuing of mostly hearing animals in need. I am almost certain they would appreciate the help and involvement of the Deaf community for deaf animals in need as the number pales in comparison to hearing animals in need.
Here is what is being said in the homepage:

Peter Pan is a two-year-old male Australian Shepherd. Check out all of his good qualities:
* Kennel trained
* Learning hand signals for “sit,” “wait” and other commands with volunteers
* Smart, attentive and wants to please
* A fast learner
* Sweet and loving
* Happy and friendly
* Likes to give and receive affection
You can learn more about living with a deaf dog at
Come meet Peter Pan at the Sacramento SPCA!
6201 Florin-Perkins Road • (916) 383-7387 •
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Home Urgently Needed for Scarlett in FL
Female born 3/3/06 -- she has been spayed (we have her medical records and the info)
My ex daughter in law got her as a birthday present for my son -- they just divorced prompting their move to a small apartment. (no room and not able to have pets)
Reminder-- she is hearing impaired --- but highly intelligent. Housebroken.... very good with children--- but not small ones as she plays with my two grandchildren 13 and 8 and they play rough with her...She is a typical terrier.. but very sweet. She sleeps with my son... is used to being kenneled during the day. Is taken on walks daily... She has never bitten or growled at anyone-- will bark when strangers come to door. She is very healthy--- barks for attention. She responds to you.. loves to pay ball-- sit in your lap and want attention, familiar with a few hand signals.. This puppy dog is so very loved.. and it is breaking the heart of my son and grandchildren to not be able to keep her. Financially and because of their having to move-- we must find a good home for her.. NO ONE we have talked to has passed the test to adopt her. We are so worried that she will be mistreated or put to sleep so we are coming to you for help.
We wish you would just meet her... we will be willing to let anyone come see her-- meet someone or whatever it takes to find her a good home. Time is so critical. We have no one to take her and my son must be out of this home in the next few days.
Paula Lowhorn --cell-- 813-390-4651 and Randy Boone- Owner= cell-- 813-340-0746
Contact Paula at or MaryLu Kinlaw at 941-704-4765
Save Gabe Before His Life is Terminated in GA!

My contact info is as follows: or call me at 404-422-4710
Michele Bryant
Clayton Co. Humane
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ash's Journey to a New Deaf Friendly Household
Originally, Charles and I planned to fly to Virginia for a friend's wedding and then rent a car to drive to Philadelphia to pick up the deaf cat, Ash, who was in need of a home, before hitting the road to home in Colorado. It all changed when Charles unexpectedly got a job offer. We had to cancel the attendance to a friend's wedding in order to fly in Philadelphia and rent a car to bring Ash back home with us before Charles's first day of work.
Katherine, from DeafAnimalRow brought Ash to this Petsmart where we met so we can shop a few things for her. Prior to that, we have been communicating on videophone and pager to get all of this worked out for September 19th.
We went on a journey for a several days with stops to the motel. Here's a few pictures before arriving Colorado.
Our children were escastic and can't wait to meet her and introduce her to our cat, Reese. We have been communicating with them via pager while on the road. It was a long trip and Ash did very well in the car -- a natural traveller! We took Ash to our lovely home in Lakewood, Colorado to join the entire Mayhew family. Ash is so happy and playful with a lot of new toys. We are so grateful to have Ash and provide her with all she needs for the rest of her life. My kids are so happy and excited to have Ash in their life along with other cat named is Reeses.
Ash wants to say this Friday is her birthday and she'll be 2. The Mayhews have given me the best present -- spending their $$ on flight and car rental all because of me.
An Old Life as a Deaf Herder on Farm
I asked the volunteer there if she could arrange to bring Blue closer as Amelia, VA, is about a little over 5 hours away, she obliged. She had someone bring Blue to this lady, Cindy, who runs a Beagle Rescue. She had about 10-15 beagles in crates in her van to head to Manassas Petco for adoption day. She has a room to transport Blue in it. It is where I met her and Blue. Blue enjoyed being in beagles's surrounding and it could be a result of his herding instinct! These people who work with the beagles at Petco were wonderful and good to Blue.
He's an Australian Cattle Dog (also known as a heeler. I learned that he used to live on the farm until now and was surrendered after owner got rid of his goats. This upsets me about some people, objectifying animals and disposing of them whenever they feel like. Blue knows no commands or anything except his skills in herding and being lovey-dovey, lickety-lick and touchy-feely!!! I am not worried about him learning visual commands as older deaf dogs in the past have achieved. A very intelligent dog and in fact, heeler is in the top 10 for most intelligent dogs.
Blue wasn't a good match for a city life where I am! He has been trying to herd people and dogs he see around him. My dogs, being terriers, do not appreciate being herded :) While asleep, he herded me until I got up and let him go out for potty or to get some affection or attention from me! His herding makes it hard to ignore him. Otherwise he sleeps nearby me. When I leave him unattended, he barks, thinking I'm a sheep who must be in his sight all the times!!! So, arrangement was made to bring him to another temporary foster home in the mountains, after a several days with me, to a family who does Akita Rescue. I took my dogs and Blue on a road trip for 2 hours each way. Yes, each one of them was in their own seatbelt harness with windows down -- All fresh air going through their nostrils and out of their mouth or vice versa! :)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Deaf and Old in Kentucky
Is there someone out there in Kentucky deaf community who can help? Maybe KCDHH can adopt him as a mascot? Or even a Deaf Senior Home can adopt him :)
He appears to be a Cocker Spaniel/Beagle/Bassett mix. When I was walking the row of kennels I spotted that his kennel tag read "Senior Dog". Intrigued, I bent down to get a better look at him. He was on the other side of the kennel wall where I couldn't see him and he obviously couldn't see me. I made several noises to try to get his attention. After several attempts I stood up and was about to walk away when he must have spotted me. When he came around where I could see him, my heart melted. Looking into those pathetic eyes I became overwhelmed with sadness that he would be in this place.
When we got him out of this kennel two things were very apparent, first this old man is deaf. Secondly, he is probably in excruciating pain due to severe yeast infections in both ears. The pungent smell of this fungus was the first thing I noticed when I was inches away from his head. When I lifted his thick, heavy ears all I could say, is "You poor, poor boy." The staff informed me that he will only eat soft food, that he won't touch dry food. I believe part of that might be because his ears hurt so badly. I recall when I had a severe ear infection several years ago the pain was so intense that I couldn't stand to chew. There's no telling how long his ears have gone untreated and more than likely that's what has caused his deafness.
He's been neutered and could stand to lose a little bit of weight. It also appears that he has some cataracts in his eyes. If only he could tell us his story of how
he ended up in this county operated dog pound...
Sadly, he has no name. He was found as a stray and no one has came forward to claim him.
He's impound #6.
We estimate he's at least 9 years old.
His adoption fee is $65.
This shelter is rescue friendly and does not charge a pull fee for reputable rescue organizatons. Please keep in mind that the receiving rescue MUST make all transport arrangements.
This is county operated shelter. Though they try very hard to place all their animals in rescue or through adoption, they do have to euthanize. It's the sad reality of county operated dog pounds. Too many animals, not enough responsible pet owners. So...our old man is sitting on a cold concrete floor at this very moment waiting for someone to save him before it's too late..........please, if you can't help forward this on to others.
If you can help this old man, please contact the shelter ASAP at 502-633-0009.
Sabrina S.
Animal Rescue Volunteer
Saturday, October 6, 2007
How Adorable a Deaf Dog Can be!
Coming up of me with my brother, Murray, when he joined the family. Neither one of us have backed down and given up our alpha status!
Deaf Networking: Important Cultural Value
DeafAnimalRow would like to thank Ron Popowski for sharing with his co-worker and friend, Stephanie Egger, who happens to be a rep for the state of Pennsylania for Best Friends Animal Society as well as Stephanie for keeping an open minded and be receptive. Stephanie has posted a story about deaf animals with our link on their website.
First of all, to get a better idea of what Best Friends Animal Society is about. Here is what Stephanie has to share:
"Best Friends Animal Society headquarters and Sanctuary is located in Utah. However, each state has their own network community under the direction of a State team leader and county representatives (all volunteer). I personally handle Bucks and Montgomery Counties for the Pennsylvania Network Community. We do most of our coordination on-line within the State and with the Utah office. We do get to meet up for events, or during phone meetings."
Stephanie emailed and what struck me about what she said is, "I am involved with many animal projects but had not thought about the number of animals euthanized because they are deaf. I am a county rep for Best Friends Animal Society. I would like to post a newsstory about Deaf Animal Row. If you have any specific events, special adoptions or a press release you would like reposted please let me know. I'll be happy to help in any way I can."
I responded to her email,
There are currently 3 deaf dogs on deathrow from my blog. One in VA, one in GA and one in CA. They could be euthanized anytime and they're sweet dogs. Can you share with each state about them through Best Friends Animal Society and have them spread word?
Right now, I'm worried sick about them and once they are saved, I'll talk with you more about networking with Best Friends Animal Society and how we can work together about Deaf Animal Row and to improve the chance for deaf animals."
The next thing I know, I received her email late last night:
"Just wanted to let you know that we posted a story today on the Best Friends PA network about Deaf Animal Row. My team leader has contacted the VA and CA teams to see if they will post as well. She even contacted the headquarters to request this article be posted on the homepage! I hope this really helps your site and the deaf pets too!"
None of this would have been possible without Ron and big thanks to Stephanie for her willingness to bring visibility to deaf animals. A round of *UPplause to them! Deaf Animal Row hopes to have deaf and hearing members of the Deaf community do their rescue in each state for deaf animals and act as a rep under the branch of Deaf Animal Row in the future when it expands and is run by deaf people.
*A deaf version of applause. Wave their hands above their heads.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
ASL Vlog: Sign Language Not Only Benefit Humans
Here's Lauren's wonderful vlog:
Chimps and Sign Language
Deaf Blue Heeler Time is Up in VA. Save Him!

We have a Blue Heeler whose time is up. He is deaf. He has been in the kennel by himself so not sure how he is with other dogs and cats. I know he appears to love me! Will find out more about him around cats and dogs. UPDATE: We just took Blue out to test with the shelter kitties. He wanted to chase one of them when it ran. One the cats smacked at him and he turned and walked away. He was in with a dog when he first came in and got along with it.
If you can help or know of someone who can, please let me know. My email address is:
Cindy Case

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Deaf Dalmatian Pup In a Kill Shelter in Los Angeles, CA!

Sandra (ID # A887285) is 5 months of puppy love.
She was originally adopted on 7/19/07 from the South Los Angeles Shelter. She has one blue eye and is deaf.
She was returned by her adopters because she is deaf, although they were notified of that possibility prior to adoption.
Please help this darling find a permanent home!
Tomika Johnson
New Hope Coordinator
South Los Angeles Animal Care Center
Hours: Tues & Thurs 12 a.m. - 8 p.m., Wed, Fri, & Sat 8am - 5pm
Work: 213-485-0117/0119
Cell: 213-792-5653
Deaf Border Collie in GA Have to Get Out of This Pound Now!

Panda 5642
* Breed: Australian Shepherd [Mix]
* Sex: Female
* Age: Adult
* Size: Large
* ID: 5642
Panda is approximately 1 year old. She has been an outside dog and is very nervous on a leash. She is deaf but such a sweetheart. She needs a patient and knowledgeable owner who could show her how to embrace life. Could you be her special person?

For information on adoption please call the Douglas County Animal Shelter at 770-942-5961. All adopted dogs of appropriate age will receive a microchip. The new owners are required to get their new dogs a rabies vaccination and to have them spayed/neutered at the appropriate age.
More About Panda 5642
Douglas County Animal Control
Douglasville, GA
DeafAnimalRow here: Please consider fostering. Do not expect those people who already have several or too many dogs they are fostering or rescuing to take over. Cathy, one of very few deaf people who already has 5 or 6 deaf dogs she is fostering, lives near the kill shelter where this deaf border collie is. She is happy to pull her and bring her to you only if you are interested to adopt, foster or rescue. It doesn't matter where you are as the dog can be transported by a group of volunteers. Her email address is Serious inquiries please.