UPDATE: According to Terri, Luna has been found after one week in the cold!

LOST DOG: Luna is a deaf, white (with faint brown specks on her ears and back), American Bulldog who escaped from Shaker
Veterinary Clinic on Maxwell Road early
Saturday morning (1/2/09 @ 4:30AM). She responds to
hand signals, such as patting your knees to mean "come here" and the "OK" signal means good girl and builds her trust in you. If you have any information or have spotted her,
please call 518-427-8454 (Ralph) or 956-3995 (Shelley) or 458-9669 (Shaker Vet). She could be anywhere in the Capital Region at this point so we're trying to spread the word as far as it'll reach. Thank you so much for any and all help you can provide us with!
Robin J. Yager, Director
Network Partners for Animals
Spring Farm CARES
3364 Route 12
Clinton, NY 13323
I am sorry and hope you find a way back home and I will prayer for you. Safe back home. I live in Tenn and dont give it up yet....pray again....