Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Austin, TX: American BullDog Mix to Die. Hurry!
Hope we are not too late! Check the article with a video of Kenni. If you can help, don't wait to contact Beth Kosar at savekenni@gmail.com.
Ocala, FL: Rescuer Died - Need Help with Placement!
Sammie is the one who is deaf and blind while all others are hearing and sighted.
Sammie- he's a 4 year old white and black dachshund with SPECIAL NEEDS. He's a puppy mill rescue that is both deaf and blind. It may take a while for him to learn to trust you and actually does well with other dogs that he can follow around. He has a great sense of smell and will learn the layout of your home and get around just fine. Loves his food and treats. He's also on medication. Would take a special dog lover to raise this special dog.
Toby- 12-14 year old Whippet. Beautiful graceful and very gentle dog. he's a stunning cream and tan. He does suffer from Arthritis and has been limping but with medication, can live a comfortable pain-free remaining few years. I consider him special needs and anyone adopting him needs to realize he may only be around a few more years and should want to give him a comfortable happy remaining life.
Mookie- 6 year old mixed breed (looks to be part Chinese crested). He's been abused and is a bit skittish at first but once he bonds with his owner, he's loyal and loving and dedicated. He's adorable and almost a peach and white color with long legs and a skinny body. Weighs around 8-10 pounds.
Ivy- 12 year old mixed breed, although she still has as much energy as a puppy and is in perfect health! She's black and white with long legs, a small head and skinny body and wiry hair type with a tightly curled tail. She loves to run and explore the yard but also loves cuddling. She's weighs around 10-12 pounds maximum.
Karma- 10 year old mixed breed who may be special needs. She has some sort of health condition that has caused her to gain an excessive amount of weight so she breathes heavy. She's currently not on any medication. Anyone interested in her would need to realize she may have more health conditions but I would pay for any medical bills incurred for the remainder of her life. She may weigh around 25 pounds. She’s very gentle and loving, gets along with other animals and children but wants a lot of attention.
Monday, August 30, 2010
May DeafDoggies Lead with Your Vote!
There is the link to vote for Lottie Dot and Dora to travel to Atlanta to share their special story. They are in second place and have over 12,800 votes! The one leading now is an AKC dog -- AKC is an organization that discriminates against deaf dogs.
Let’s put Lottie Dot and Dora in first place and get their story out there. They set a great example of what deaf dogs can accomplish. Please click on the link below, then vote “10.” We only have 2 days left to vote. You can vote hourly if able.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Meridian, MS: Senior Daschund Needs Rescue

Debbie Lowery
Southern Paws Standard Poodle and Small Breed Rescue
Vicksburg, MS
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sacramento, CA: Pit Bull Mix Pup Has Until Tomorrow!
My name is Pinky and I am a neutered male. The shelter thinks I am about 7 months old. I have been at Sacramento City Shelter since July 17th. Contact Kathy Moreland, Rescue/Foster Coordinator Phone: 916-808-4735; Fax: 916-808-5386; Cell: 916-709-7991; Email: kmoreland@cityofsacramento.org
Johnston City, TN: Aussie/Husky Mix Pups
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Johnson City, TN: Pit Bull Mix Needs Out ASAP

Sweet Deaf Nessa needs out of the kennel THIS WEEKl!! HELP!!! Poor girl has been in boarding for 2 months and she's getting depressed. Spayed, UTD, heartworm negative, good with all humans, dogs, NO cats. 1 .5 yrs old. She is special needs as she is deaf. PLEASE, PLEASE let's get her into a foster or RESCUE!! Contact JJ at zjlb84@goldmail.etsu.edu
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tulsa, OK: Deaf Horse Needs a Home Quick
His registered name is Lord Douglas. Registered with APHA. He was foaled April 7, 2003. He was born deaf. He is over 14 hh. Two blue eyes. Sound, healthy, very good feet. Has always been barefoot trimmed by AANHCP trimmer. current coggins. Learns fast. He is a very gentle horse. Very athletic.
Chase's sister should go with him. They have never been separated. She is like his ears to him. Sissy is APHA registered Waggoner's Sissy. She is 7 years old. Athletic, strong, pretty, black and white tobiano. Rides. Sound, healthy. Great feet.
Both had their teeth checked in April. To the right home, we can negotitate. We will leave on Oct. 4th so I hope a wonderful placement for them will be found.
Thank you,
Friday, August 20, 2010
Jacksonville, FL: PitBull Mix Dumped in Shelter

Here's a comment from someone who went to the shelter where Petey was dumped:
"While picking up a blind poodle today from Jax AC we went to visit Petey. Sweet does not begin to describe this boy, he showered us with wet doggy kisses and he must have thought we were there to rescue him he just could not stop wagging his tail. My heart broke when I had to leave him. But we have no fosters that will take a large dog. If anyone knows anyone who will foster him in the Jax area I rescue will pull him in a heart beat."
Please cross post to help him find safety - this poor baby was in a home and was dumped at the shelter in Jax, FL. Please contact edgyinjax@aol.com
Baltimore, MD: Husky/Shep Mix Time'll Run Out
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Kennesaw, GA: Cat Needs Access to Outdoor

Edgar is deaf and therefore cannot be an outside cat. Yet that is all he wants. He sits by the window and cries all day and night to go outside. In the past 2 months, he has gotten angrier and angrier and has started spraying all over my house. He has been to the vet to make sure it is not a medical issue, and then was put on anxiety medication in hopes to stop the spraying and get him to calm down, but it has not helped. He is dying to be outside and is destroying my house in the meantime. I cannot keep him anymore. He currently spends most of his time in the garage as we are not here to watch him during the day. I hate that he is out there, but do not know what else to do. I'm am reaching the end of my options and am starting to feel desperate.
Edgar needs to be in a place that has a screen in porch, or better yet, needs to be somewhere in the middle of no where where there is a barn, maybe with other cats. Trust me when I say that he needs to be outside and will be miserable inside no matter where he is. I know the obvious complication is his deafness, but I truly feel the only place he will be happy is outside.
Contact excessive411@yahoo.com if you are equipped to handle Edgar.
Thank you for your time and assistance,
Friday, August 13, 2010
Waverly,TN: Am Bull/Pit Girl Needs Rescue
On my way home from work last week I noticed some people on the road side giving away puppies. I actualy had room for them, so I took the pups and offered to split the cost of the mom's spay. Now their landlord/father in law says she can't stay and must go soon or her will take her to the local animal shelter.
Please cross post far and wide!!
Contact is laura_ahonen37185@yahoo.com
Here is a note from the owner:
East Tennessee: Australian Shepherd Needs a Place

Please help.. spread far and wide. Bandit is an 8 year old Australian Shepherd whose family set him out because he is now deaf. They shaved him because of fleas instead of treating him?? He is a great guy, is neutered, loves people, esp kids and gets along with other dogs.
Bandit's skin issues have been treated and thanks to Beth (she is amazing). He is very sweet, housetrained and loves kids.
For more info, contact Melissa at 865-806-2269 or a7mwhite@yahoo.com
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chatsworth, GA: Senior Dog Have Until Tomorrow!
Small senior girl is quiet and sweet. She appears to be deaf and well-adjusted to it. She does fine with people and with other dogs. Please do not let her die at the shelter. She deserves some real TLC.
This sweet pup is set to be PTS THIS Friday at dawn at the Murray County Animal Shelter in Chatsworth, GA (just north of Atlanta and just south of Chattanooga, TN). We MUST know by THIS Thur 8/12 who has rescue. Please help her live.
NOTE: The pup must have rescue by THIS Thurs but can stay at the shelter a couple days longer if necessary. Free transport to Atlanta provided. Transport to the northeast and midwest available.
Please e-mail or call ASAP as time is of the essence! Your rescue help is greatly appreciated!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Marietta, GA: Senior Shep/Collie Mix is Lost
Contact Ginger at: gingerkcooper@gmail.com
Lily is 15 years old, frail, deaf, and shy. She is very sweet and is an indoor dog. She has been missing since Monday 8/2/10 at 2:00 p.m. Please keep your eyes out for this girl - Lily, a shep/collie mix in shelter postings an dlet anyone you know in these areas to be on the look out. She has arthritis and needs to come home. She has a German Shepherd coat but the face of a Collie and a thin build. We miss her so much! She has no chip or tag.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Coconut Creek, FL: Cat Needs a Sweet Home
Well, we have another story. This time it's one of the sweetest, calmest, cats we've ever met. A cat determined to survive to find one day, someone who'll love her again. Porch is a beautiful and amazing cat who is in need of a very special person and patient home. Porch is a short haired, female, black-and-white cat who is charmingly adorable. Smart too and so accepting.
She's been checked out by Animal Aid in Boca Raton and does not have feline leukemia or feline AIDS. She has not gone into heat so she's believed to be spayed or sterile and about 2 years old.
Unfortunately Porch is deaf but it doesn't seem to stop her. Originally discovered by a person who was doing a short-term rental on a house until the house was officially taken over by the bank, she was abandoned by the previous renters, turned out onto the streets deaf to fend for herself. Smart as she is, she stayed close to the only home she has ever known, crying to come in at night during the cold season. Her kind foster was very allergic to her but so moved by this sweet cat who had taken to sleeping under cars with still warm engines, but neighbors complained since she was deaf, she did not know when the cars started. When raccoons surprised her (she could not hear them coming while she slept) they almost did her in, the kind allergic lady allowed her to sleep at night in the enclosed porch (hence her name) to keep her safe and started to feed her and give her water. She just has a very hard time fending for herself outside because she can't hear danger approaching.
Porch's foster had to leave the house, too so now she's being fostered at ... you guessed it, the Life Publications' office in Coconut Creek until a permanent loving home can be found. Porch is a very loving, calm, gentle animal who loves to be in a lap and be petted. She can be the best companion to someone who just wants some excellent company. But she's no total couch potato, she occasionally gets frisky and plays with her favorite toy so adorably, your heart melts. But mostly she's happy to lie around, take some cat naps and just know that someone actually cares about her. In her first day at LIFE Pubs, everyone fell in love. (Those who weren't allergic!) She's said to have some balance issues, but we saw no evidence of anything, she jumped up on publisher Mindi Rudan's desk, sat on a chair and just generally took in her new surroundings. A calmer, sweeter, more gentle, more appreciative pet, you'd be hard-pressed to find. And if we did not tell you she was deaf, you'd probably not realize it because she seems to have a little ESP to compensate, she seems to know when you want her and comes. And when you open her food, she's Johnny on the spot. If you're a patient and caring animal lover, please consider giving Porch the safe and loving home she so deserves.
Please contact the Life Publications' office (located at 4611 Johnson Rd. Suite 3, Coconut Creek) at 954.421.9797 / info@lifepubs.com or Hank at 954.663.2853 if you'd like to come by and meet Porch. Her carrier, toys, litter box and food will be sent with her as well.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
New York, NY: Pit Bull Has Until Tomorrow AM!
Email: jvanbrunt@nycacc.org (Sun - Thursday: 12 - 8pm)
Lisa Sheard, New Hope Liaison - Cell: 917.682.5616,
Email: lsheard@nycacc.org
Kim Smyth, New Hope Coordinator - Cell: 917.578.7263;
Email: ksmyth@nycacc.org (Tues - Sat 10am - 6pm)
Emily Tanen, New Hope Liaison - Cell: 917.578.6372;
Email: etanen@nycacc.org
The following animals need your help. If you identify an animal that you are able to help, call the appropriate New Hope Hotline immediately (YOU MUST CALL BEFORE 6AM EST). The animal will be placed on New Hope Hold for your organization for 48 hours.
New Hope Alert Hotlines:
In Manhattan call: 212-722-9129
In Brooklyn call: 718-649-9070
In Staten Island call: 718-966-1625.
SAVE HIM TODAY!! Charlie was just discovered to be deaf. – 1 ∏ yr male pittie mix – 45lbs CHARLIE – A869710 – Stray, 8/2
Mild by medical, 5 on food.
mild right otitis
tx otomax BID x 10 days
Look 1 :Eyes averted with soft body ,wagging tail and ears back
Sensitivity 1 :Leans in to the assessor with soft body ,low tail and ears back
Tag 2:Dog is fearful and unresponsive to the assessor ,approaches with soft body and wagging tail after play
Squeeze 1 :Gently pulls paw away
Squeeze 2 1 :Gently pulls paw away
Food 5 :Dog lifts head to bite the assess a hand
Toy 1 :No interest
Rawhide 3 :Takes the rawhide away, keeps a firm grip while stiff in body
Dog to dog 2 :Approaches the helper dog tentatively with low tail and ears back
New York, NY: BullDog Mix to Be Killed Tonight

Age/Sex: 3yrs/Male |
Arbrie is an owner surrender. He weighs 73lbs and owner said that he is deaf in one ear. Stare= 1 Soft eye, ears back, mouth open Sensitivity= 1 Soft body, ears back, accept the touch, very hyper, jump on handler Tag= 1 Follow a the end of the leash, approach when coaxed Pinch I= 1 No response Pinch II= 1 No response Food aggression= 0 Inconclusive Toy Aggression= 1 No interest Rawhide Aggression= 1 No interest Dog to Dog= 1 Approach to investigate become playful SCAN POSITIVE: 985121004724412 BRIGHT, ALERT, RESPONSIVE, HYDRATED PHYSICAL EXAM- 73.2lbs T:101.1 Neutered Obese Mild dental tartar Deaf as per owner, doesn’t react to sounds He is in the Brooklyn ACC (Animal Care and Control) the city shelter which is high-kill. They are very crowded. Contact Harriet Zucker at hszucker@mac.com |
Monday, August 2, 2010
Patterson, CA: American Bull Dog has Until 48 Hours

Dino is a very sweet, well behaved 4 year old American Bulldog, NOT A PIT BULL. He is deaf but that doesn't stop him one bit. He is learning signs and has mastered "Good Boy!", "Sit", "Down" & "Love". He is very social and loves to be by your side. He is good with other dogs but does have some issues with them when he is eating or has a lot of unspent energy. He has been in our home for a couple of months and he has shown no reaction towards our cats. We do believe that due to his needing to eat alone he would probably be best suited in a home without other animals. Dino desperately needs a "FOREVER home". His breed is great on a farm or ranch. Time is running out for his temporary home with us as the Home Owners Association here limits the amount of pets we as his foster humans can have and Dino puts us over the limit. He is neutered, current with vaccinations and the vet has given him a clean bill of health. Please call Big Dawgs Rescue at 925-337-6377 or Bill at 925-452-7721 or 209-404-3916 if you are interested in meeting Dino. His adoption fee is $150.00 and is payable to Big Dawgs Rescue to further their work in placing large breed dogs. It does not have to be paid all at once and can even be waived if need be to save his life. We ask that you make a commitment to training him more with sign language, daily exercising of at least a walk of 2 miles and that you get a microchip ID implanted in him.
Best Regards;
Bill Lindley
Winder, GA: Cat to be Put Down on 8/3/10
If you can adopt or rescue, here's the contact info:
Sponsors are welcome for any of the animals. Please email satoashley@comcast.net and we will add any sponsorships to the pleas. Sponsorships are meant to be 'pledges' only to be given directly to the approved rescue who pulls the animal
Barrow County is very rescue friendly. Free for GA licensed rescues; out-of-state rescues, please contact the shelter for details. The adoption process does not have to be completed in person. Complete vetting and boarding are available at Four Paws Animal Hospital. Specific adoption Information and hours are below.
**Please refer to ID/Run numbers when inquiring about specific animals if available
HOW URGENTLY IN NEED ARE THE ANIMALS? Call AND e-mail BEFORE 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. See contact information above. Generally, animals are subject to lethal injection after five (5) days of impoundment. Injections typically occur on Wednesdays, but because the shelter becomes SO FULL at times, they may occur more frequently. Contact NOW!
CATS: The adoption fee for any cat is $100. The fee includes: spay or neuter, physical exam, fecal exam, deworming, rabies vaccine, distemper vaccine, and microchip. For licensed Georgia rescues there is no charge to pull a cat, but no veterinary services come with the cat. Out of state rescues, please contact us for details.
*LAST DAY means the date the cat is scheduled for euthanasia. If we have a cat posted whose last day has passed, that cat should be considered extremely urgent. Please call about those cats immediately as they may be subject to euthanasia at any time. We remove postings on available cats when they leave the building or their adoption has been completed. If you are a rescuer who has spoken for a cat or a person with an adoption application on a cat, do not take offense. We have had rescues and adoptions fall through in the past and we work hard to make sure no cat falls through the cracks.
Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays – CLOSED to the public (but they can still correspond with people on Wednesdays); other week days – OPEN 8-5. Call ahead before coming out around holidays.
The shelter is always in need of kitty litter and other items (towels, cardboard boxes that hold a case of drinks, chewy dog treats, etc.!!! PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN!!!
Pictures were taken and list was compiled by Barrow Buddies volunteers.
Barrow County Animal Control
610 Barrow Park Dr.
Winder, GA 30680
OFFICE 770-307-3012
FAX 770-867-1660
Sunday, August 1, 2010
SE Missouri: Great Dane Has Until Tomorrow

Does anyone know a rescue for either deaf dogs or Great Danes? I tried placing this big boy but it was a disaster. The adopter ended up being bitten a few hours ago. I was not there, but from what the transporter said, it sounds like "Big Dog" was either being protective of the transporter (a woman) or felt threatened by the adopter (a man) reaching towards them. He is a sweet dog who never showed aggression before. The owners ( a mother and adult son) lost their home and have to be out Sunday 8/1. Big Dog has no where to go. I have no room and I am obviously not experienced with deaf dogs to make the right decisions. If I have a committment,
I will board him a week while transportation can be arranged, but I must have a definite by Monday morning or they will be taking him in to be PTS.
Sincerely, Carol