We, the lovable brothers, are located in Marlborough, MA.
About Harpo:

My brother Zeppo and I are about 11-12 months old, and are deaf. We sleep very deeply, so if you want to wake us up, do so gently, since we startle easily! Also, we (well, really just me) meow very loudly when I see you, when I am hungry, when I want attention, just about anytime! We are active boys, especially me. I like to keep an eye on all activity around me. And I really love playing with the foster kittens in my house. I'm not so keen on other adult cats though. I like my own territory. If you really want to be entertained, shine a laser light for us and we will chase it together. You'll think you are seeing double! We were in danger of being put to sleep in the municipal shelter we were at, but the folks there wanted to give us a chance, so we came to Metrowest Animal Awareness Society, and we're ready for you!
About Zeppo:

My brother Harpo and I are about 11-12 months old. I like to live the life of leisure, lounging in baskets, windowsills, bookshelves, cat carriers and just about anyplace cozy. I adapt well to new situations and am very laid back. Why exert myself when there are others around to do the hard work? I will however, rouse myself from a deep sleep if you open a can of cat food...that smell permeates even my deepest sleep. (I do meow on occasion, and when I do, I am loud!) I don't need to move to a new home with my brother, but if you adopt us both, we will reward you with hours of entertainment by chasing a laser light. I'm sure I can catch that thing! You'll think you are seeing double, as we run side by side. We were in danger of being put to sleep in the municipal shelter we were at, but the folks there wanted to give us a chance, so we came to Metrowest Animal Awareness Society, and we're ready for you!
All of our cats are tested for FeLV/FIV, up to date on vaccinations, and spay/neutered before adoption. The adoption fee for each cat is $125. If the adopters have a record of veterinary care, we'd consider out of state adoptions. And, the adoption fee is negotiable, if the vet reference is great, and we know they'll have a good home, that's what we want for any of our cats. Although the boys love each other, they also seem to do just fine apart - first preference would be for them to go together. Serious inquiries from those who will provide a forever home and be ready to be screened or ask for more information, send email to deafanimalrow@gmail.com.