Monday, February 20, 2012
New York Tri State: Australian Shepherd Needs a Foster
Australian Shepherd,
Foster Needed,
Chillocothe, OH: Aussie Mix Pup Needs a Rescue
Aussie(mix?) puppy that needs to find a rescue. From what I have heard so far, they believe she is deaf because she does not respond to anything, and their Great Dane shows her where to potty outside.
CONTACT: Sherry Smith
CELL (740)851-2922
HOME (740)779-6413
Solution to Inappropriate Urination for Cats
I want the same for my feline-nds!
BuffBlue (B2) was surrendered to me when he was 5 years old a couple of years ago. I learned that B2 urinated outside the litter box sometimes. This was an issue I’d never dealt with before and it’s something not many people want to deal with. I wanted to give B2 a chance rather than let him go to someone and then possibly be surrendered to a shelter. I planned not to adopt him out to a new home until his issue was resolved, just to be fair to him and whomever decided to adopt him. So, I gave it a shot.
First, I took B2 to the vet to rule out a possible urinary tract infections (uti) or any other medical issues that may have been causing him to urinate outside the box. After they were ruled out, the vet suggested prozac, feliway and a tall cat tree. I didn’t have a tall cat tree so don’t know how beneficial that would have been but the other two recommendations (prozac and feliway) didn’t work very effectively. I tried to figure out what made him do this. With B2 already declawed by the previous home, unfortunately, I had wondered whether or not the declawing may have contributed to his behavior or at least partially. From doing a little of research, I was surprised to find that declawing is number one reason for inappropriate urination. There are other factors that contribute to inappropriate urination as well such as a new addition in the family, change in environment, lack of activities or love/attention, etc.
One day, I was at a health pet store which I had been patronizing for a long time. While there, I discussed B2′s urination issues with the store owner. Without hesitation, the owner pointed to Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract litter and asked if I had tried it. I decided to buy a small bag, being a bit skeptical given all the gimmicks out there.
When I got home, I put out two separate litter boxes – one full of Cat Attract litter and the other with a mixture of Cat Attract litter and World’s Best litter to see which one B2 would prefer. On the first day, I could tell how pleased he was with this new discovery. Since then, he has been using Cat Attract litter religiously with no interest in the other litters. I can see the difference in his level of contentment and happiness. Cat Attract litter was a miracle waiting to happen!
Too much time has passed like about a year that we bonded while I was exploring ways to help B2 overcome his issue in between my hectic schedule, fostering and TNR'ing. He has made himself at home that I decided not to uproot him after all this time. I was prepared to keep him if nothing worked for him. Ever since, I have been recommending Cat Attract litter to my friends when they shared concern with me and I want to share this on a larger forum to get as many people aware.
Cat Attract litter is more than just a litter and is designed to resemble the natural odor that an outdoor experience provides for cats. Cats may be domesticated but their instincts will always be that of what comes naturally to them. Cats aren't able to tell us which litter they prefer. Dr. Elsey has done his research in understanding the needs of cats and educating us to be receptive to those needs. There are many wonderful reviews about Dr. Elsey and his Cat Attract litter.
For rescues and shelters, check here about their Shelter Partners Program and share with everyone you know, including adopters and fosters about what Dr. Elsey Cat Attract litter can do. Inside the litter bag, there is a booklet with valuable information and instructions. With this knowledge, it helps save lives as too often cats are dumped in a shelter or surrendered. Please don't give up or lose hope and your cat will thank you!
Here's a tip when you use the Cat Attract litter for the first time by using 5 important steps:
Thank you and hope you learned something new.
Katherine and B2
Cat Attract litter,
Inappropriate Urination
Friday, February 10, 2012
Central IL: Rottweiler in High Kill Shelter
My name is Madison, and I can’t think of one single thing that I did “wrong” except get older. Well, I’m also deaf, but I do quite well using my other senses. Sadly, I wound up at a high-kill animal control facility, and I understand that being both deaf and 8-9 years old will make it extremely difficult for me to find a home here.
Maybe YOU will help me? I think if I go to a rescue organization that “specializes” in either Rottweilers or deaf dogs, I will stand a much better chance of finding my forever home. (See my photos and more information below.)
I enjoy going for walks, or just sitting outdoors with one of my new human friends for a nice back massage. I’m laid-back, well-mannered, and I love people. Surely I deserve to spend my Golden Years in a real home … and YOU just might be my only chance.
Contact my human friend, Carol Rodgers, if you are willing to take me into your rescue … carolrodgers-apl@att.net. She will put you directly in touch with the Kennel Supervisor here at AC, and I have friends who will assist with my transport.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Auburn, AL: German Wirehaired Pointer Needs a Loving Home
A friend of mine’s wife works at the vet school at Auburn University (in Alabama) and this dog was brought in a short time ago. She had been shot. As a result, she is now blind in her right eye and recovering the sight in her left eye. She is a female German wirehaired pointer (purebred, but without papers) that is around a year old. She has not been spayed. My friend and his wife have been keeping her at their house for a little while and are willing to keep her for another week or so, but they can’t provide a permanent home for her.
The couple has twins who are toddlers and their resident dog pushes this dog around a bit. She is very sweet, not even remotely aggressive and has been good with the children pulling and poking at her for the last week! She was pretty skittish at first, which is not surprising for a dog that has been shot, but she has started to come out of her shell a lot within the last few days. The doctors who have seen her have recommended not removing the right eye at this time and said it may not be necessary at all. It is not protruding or anything; it just appears cloudy. They have also said it may be best to wait a little while before having her spayed because of the trauma she has been through recently.
I am hoping to find a home for this sweet girl. If a loving forever home can’t be found, the couple would be willing to let the dog go to a rescue, but they really feel that it would be best for her to be in a quiet and stable environment (not in a kennel situation) in order to recover comfortably. If anyone is interested in helping this dog, they can contact me at 334-559-0558 or by email at autigrrl@gmail.com. I would be willing to help with a transport.
Thank you!
awaiting home,
German Wirehaired Pointer
Ossipee, NH: Sweet Home Sweet for This Cat
Those who are interested, you can send an email to info@lrhs.net.
Hi everyone. Please meet Harley. He is approximately 5-6 years of age, and deaf. That doesn't stop him from being a normal cat, and using all of his other senses. Harley has been at the Lakes Region Humane Society in Ossipee, NH 03864 for over 5 months now. He stays in our vet tech room alone because he does not like other cats. Understandable since he probably was not socialized properly with other cats. We are looking for a forever home for Harley. Please link up to the Lakes Region Humane Society facebook page (which I help run), and lets see if we can spread the word all over that this fun loving, adorable, playful, handsome guy is looking for a forever home. Harley was abandoned at our facility, and all we were told was "his former owners outgrew him". (*How do you outgrow a living, breathing, animal?) Makes no sense. Help spread the word and visit our page, or go to our webpage at www.lrhs.net. We are a NO KILL SHELTER, which means Harley will stay with us until we find that perfect home. Help us find a home for him. Thank you all.
Erie, PA: Brittany Spaniel Needs a Foster
Contact: Susan E. Spaid, President, National Brittany Rescue and Adoption Network
814-771-6720 Cell
814-236-3554 Home
He is most likely deaf. I don't usually broadcast to other rescues or shelters for Brittanies, as I am a coordinator for them for CO and WY, but I have few deaf dog contacts, and this guy needs a wider cast of the net. Bo is very handsome and used to kids, other dogs, and cats. Experience with deaf dogs a plus for any foster, but he seems willing to learn and is responsive. If you have rescues who specialize in deaf dogs, please distribute. If foster is found, NBRAN will handle all medical costs. This guy is in PA, so transport could be an issue, but let us know where he is welcome, and NBRAN will make transport possible.
Greensboro, NC: Boxer Needs a Home
SPCA of the Triad in Greensboro has her. She was adopted from the Rockingham shelter and returned because she was deaf. Then the ASPCA took her in but their facility is full and they are hoping to have someone take her who can work with her and teach her hang signals.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Aurora, Colorado: Dachshund Mix Needs a Rescue
Aurora Animal Shelter: 15750 E 32nd Ave, Aurora, Colorado 80011 (303) 326-8280
This sweet little girl is Olive....she is a blind and deaf chihuahua/doxie mix said to be about a year old.....this is a kill shelter and little Olive does not have much time allotted to live........
Here is what the shelter volunteer said about her:
She is adorable. Friendly, bright. I think perhaps she is more Chihuahua mix than Dachshund mix. She’s a tiny little thing.
Notice: There is a little blind and deaf dog at the Aurora Animal Shelter who needs to go to a rescue. Olive is about one year old. She was born this way and has adapted very well to her challenges. She appears to be a Dachshund mix.
New Orleans, LA: Boxer Mix Pup in a Shelter
Contact: 504-349-5111 Email: Brooke -BBourgeois@jeffparish.net
Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter - West Bank
1869 Ames Blvd.
Marrero, LA 70072
Phone: (504) 349-5111
Sawyer is a Boxer Mix puppy that is deaf. This puppy will work best in a home with another dog, a secure fenced yard, compassion and patience to train him to understand signs. He is currently at the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter on the West Bank, on Ames Blvd. Thank you.
This sweet angel is a return adoption. His owners discovered that he is deaf and don’t want to deal with it. He is an adorable boxer mix puppy, already housetrained. He would make the perfect companion for the right person who would be willing to work with his impairment by training him to learn signals. He is too cute for words. Thanks so much.
This sweet angel is a return adoption. His owners discovered that he is deaf and don’t want to deal with it. He is an adorable boxer mix puppy, already housetrained. He would make the perfect companion for the right person who would be willing to work with his impairment by training him to learn signals. He is too cute for words. Thanks so much.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Columbia, SC: Dogo Mix's Time is Running Out!
If you can help this deaf boxer mix (more info available if you go to the link below) or any of other wonderful cats and dogs, contact info@heartofthemidlands.org
Lafayette, TN: Benji Look Alike Needs a Loving Home
Contact with a sense of love and urgency: Officer Rejena Parker at: rparker703@yahoo.com or call at 423-278-4622.
Dear Rescue Family
Here is an absolutely beautiful special needs baby!!! She is blind and hearing impaired!!! She needs just the right situation for her. She needs a loving mama type person and a safe place as she is scared. I would be too if I was disabled this way!! She is absolutely adorable as you will see from her picture. A wonderful, kind Law Enforcement Officer named Rejena Parker rescued her and now she needs just the Right placement.
I ask you to open your hearts, post widely, cautiously and lovingly for this precious little fur angel!! She is located in Lafayette, TN.
No Craig’s List
awaiting home,
Lafayette, TN 37083, USA
Monday, February 6, 2012
Lincolnton, NC: Boxer and His Mate in Kill Shelter
Male: white w/brown over one eye and deaf, weighs 71 lbs. 5 yrs old
Attached are their pictures. They are both very sweet and friendly. The male seems to be calmer than the female. They were both turned in due to moving. The female’s name is Chiquita but the male was turned in without one. They did come in together. Looks like the female has had a few litters.
Female: brown w/black muzzle, weighs 51 lbs. 3 yrs old
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Northwest Indiana: Staffordshire Terrier Needs to Get Out
Grace is a beautiful Blue Pittie girl. She is an owner surrender and she is deaf. Grace is four years old. She is very sweet and seems to love people. She doesn't seem to mind the other dogs at the pound. RELEASED: NOW!!! If you can save Grace's life, please contact Nikki at nikmother2be@aol.com.
Posted on facebook: Northwest Indiana Death Row Dogs
Thursday, February 2, 2012
GASTONIA, NC: Pit Bull Pup Scooped up and Needs a Home
Please contact Nicole at mom4twogirls0511@yahoo.com
This is Dolly, We were coming home from school and saw her cowering on the side of the road, so I parked my car and jumped out and ran across the street and scooped her up. We went straight to the vet to see if she was microchipped but no luck. I had them check her for worms which she has whips and give her shots. They said she is about 10-12 weeks and She is def a pit mix but not sure what she is mixed with. She is as sweet as she can be and as cute as ever. I have 3 dogs and 3 kids and having a 4th dog is alot for me. Can you please crosspost her so I can find her a wonderful forever home. She is a very well behaved girl and loves everyone!
The Keys, Florida: German Shepherd Needs a Home
FOR ALL QUESTIONS & INQUIRES PLEASE CONTACT LEE AT lmorrison@theflyer.com OR 305 479 9274
Bruno gets along with female dogs, but probably not good to live with males. Even though he lost his hearing, he still is a great watchdog: he feels movement and hears some sound via bones in his ears. (Just try opening the refrigerator if he’s awake!). He is nine years old and as sweet & loveable as ever.
Poor Bruno has had such a hard life. He was rescued from death row in Miami Dade Animal Services 6 years ago and adopted to a family who checked out perfectly in every way imaginable. We were so excited he’d found his forever home. Instead they starved and neglected Bruno so horribly that he was skin & bones, bleeding from head to foot (he had to be shaved naked to treat his skin wounds) with ear infections so severe his ear canals had to be surgically removed or he’d die from the infection reaching his brain. Bruno thankfully lived, recovered beautifully, but because of their abuse is deaf as a result.
Bruno stayed with his original rescuer for two years more living in her tiny bathroom or/outside because that is all she could provide. He finally found what we again thought was his forever home three years ago with a semi-retired couple who adored him. We were absolutely shocked when they called a month ago to tell us they made the decision to sell their house and were moving in 2-4 months and couldn't take Bruno with them.
Last night they informed us Bruno must be out this weekend! We are sick for poor Bruno and have nowhere for him to go. He is nine years old and as sweet & loveable as ever. He follows his human everywhere – not realizing his loyalty is sadly NOT returned. Bruno gets along with female dogs, but probably not good to live with males. Even though he lost his hearing , he still is a great watchdog: he feels movement and hears some sound via bones in his ears. (Just try opening the refrigerator if he’s awake!) We just can't wrap our heads around the fact that this couple who committed to this beautiful boy and sent nothing but wonderful updates for the past three years, can just put him out to pasture. Where do they think he will go? Their parting words to us about Bruno: " thanks for letting us be part of Bruno's life. Wish things were different and we could keep him".
It doesn't have to be this way. Please don't let Bruno's life end at 9 years old, after so few years of happiness, in a kill shelter. He needs to go to a stable, responsible , committed home where he will spend his golden years with a loving REAL forever family. Call and or email LeeAnn 305 479 9274 OR lmorrison@theflyer.com
Fort Morgan, CO: Pit Bull Mix Not Do Well in Shelter
We have a female Pitbull mix (spayed, microchipped, and up to date on vaccinations) in here that is deaf and has sight issues. She was adopted over the weekend and then returned Tuesday due to those issues. She is a sweet girl that just isn't thriving in the shelter environment. I was hoping that you could be on the look out for a foster for her/adopter.
She just needs some extra tlc.
Animal ID: 14974055
Contact Info:
Fort Morgan Humane Shelter
900 E. Railroad
Fort Morgan, CO 80701
(970) 542-6416
Hours of Operation:
Tues - Sat 11AM - 5PM
Sunday - Monday Closed
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Montville, CT: Senior Mutt Needs Help
To contact Martel, call 860-848-3529
out for hours.
Jolie needs a home where she can live out her day with people who will care for her, be patient with her, and give her all the needs. In return, this dear old blind dog will give you a heart full of love.
Josie deserves a home. Josie is old, mostly deaf, nearly blind, arthritic and she has a skin condition. She is also just about the sweetest dog you'd ever want to know. She needs a home with people who will adore her and be kind to her, and in return, she will give you all the love in her heart. Josie is nearly blind, and pretty deaf. She is arthritic. She has bald spots. And she is one of the dearest dogs you'd ever want to meet. Martel found her stuck in a briar patch on Raymond Hill Road, where she'd been crying
out for hours.
When Josie got to the shelter, Martel says, all she did was eat and sleep, for days. Now she is a little more active, but still, she is quiet and calm. "She loves her bed," Martel says. And she might not be as old as she appears. Her teeth looks like the teeth of a dog much younger than Josie appears to be. But there's no telling.
Credit: Carrie Jacobson
Stockbridge, GA: English Bulldog Needs a Home
Iceman is a white English Bulldog. He is deaf. Iceman is great with little kids and all different kinds of animals (cats, dogs, reptiles, etc.). He loves women but not too great with men/teenage boys (unless he grows-up with them). Potty trained, loves to follow you around the house, loves to play with empty water bottles, can play rough, is cage aggressive but will go in his crate, and will protect in the home.
Iceman is 4 yrs old. Neutered and up to date on all shots. When I got him from his 3rd owner I wasn't with my husband. Then we decided to get back together. Iceman is not fond of men. Honestly i believe he was abused by a man. I would love for him to go to an all female home. He truly is a great dog and very misunderstood. He protects my little girl and me. He is ok with my husband as long as me and my little girl isn't in the house. Iceman is in Stockbridge, GA. Staying with my mother inlaw. I am in texas, but my best friend, paula, if anyone is interested will take them to see him. Any other question please email me at elisidanielle@yahoo.com.
Thank you,
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