-Female; 10? Years
Shannon Witt
Animal Care Specialist
Cobb County Animal Control
Phone: 770-590-5624
Fax: 770-590-5620
Shannon.Witt@ cobbcounty. org
My name is Scooter - Bob and I am deaf
– but–
I like kids, other dogs, and cats; I’m very smart and respond to hand signals; I lead well andI love to play and chase balls. I am 2 years old and I am neutered. If you look at my pictures you will see that I am a happy pup and I smile a lot. My mom and dad will be retiring soon and plan on traveling. They are afraid it wouldn’t be fair to put me in a kennel when I could be in a loving home where I could get the attention I deserve.
I live in Franklin County and if you think you might like me to be your best friend, please call Debbie during the day at 564-3358 or Susan evenings at 226-5111.
She rescued this puppy (at the time) from an abusive owner who didn't realize the puppy was deaf. That was about 8 years ago. This dog, Dee-Dee, for deaf dog, has become very important to my friend. Dee-Dee is a spayed female, white Am. Bull Terrier with blue eyes. Those blue eyes gave my friend a clue that she might be deaf. The dog lives with 2 kittens, 2 adult cats, and my friend. Quite an interesting household, and everything would be fine, if my friend had longevity on her side, which she doesn't. She is a breast cancer victim that has metastasized to other vital organs, had more than one surgery, and is now facing a tumor in her liver. Originally diagnosed at age 42 in 1997, this disease has gradually worn her down. Prognosis is poor.
Any help you could give me as to where to turn to assist my friend to find a home for Dee-Dee would be so much appreciated. We are in southern Calif.
Please reply to my personal email address:
Dee-Dee is an 11 yr. old white deaf Am. Staffordshire bull terrier, spayed. Weight: Approx. 60 lbs.
Gets bathed every other week, just had her teeth cleaned. She healthy, seems younger to me than 11 yrs., plays well with other dogs, lives with 4 cats, and plays ball and chase games with her owner. She knows hand signals. She understands sit, stay, and come.
She keeps her eyes on her owner, and in this regard, you would be hard pressed to know she doesn't hear. A wonderful affectionate dog that greets you in the traditional manner, puts her nose up to you to be petted. She has completely forgotten about being mistreated as a puppy by her former owner.
This little pup was abandoned in front of my vet's office and is obviously a Pit mix. He has a perfect ridge down the middle of his back and has crystal blue eyes. He's been dewormed and had his 1st shot and weighs 6 lbs. The vet will put him down if no placement is found for him in the next week. Any chance you have room for the little guy?
Let me know!
Contact her at donna@donnasrescue.com