UPDATE: Jason, the volunteer, said Koby has found a wonderful home. Here is what he said, "He was adopted by a couple with 2 deaf children. I drove him to IL on Saturday. He is in a great home. The wife used to run the humane society in IA where she lives. Really a great home." He met with his friend Jerry, who brought his pitbull, in IL while waiting for a family to meet them to pick up Koby. Pictures are below.

Tuesdays suck for me.This is the day that the pound selects which dogs have to be put down. Its almost always the pitbulls,. They don't pair them up in dog runs and they take up too much room. I cant blame the pound, they do this in a very humane way. But it hurts none the less. I walk these pups, give them love and attention. I cant save them all. But I make it just a little better for them before they go. Koby is a deaf boy and about 8-10 months old. Scared but very sweet. He is scheduled to die next Wednesday (was supposed to be tomorrow but I pleaded his case). He is fully vetted and neutered. I can pull, vet and transport as well as foster for a few. The owner who gave him up, (because he is deaf) said her other dogs were attacking him. I love people. Contact Jason, the volunteer, at flatt@twst.com if you can help. He is in Paulding County in GA with Animal Control.
This is awesome the family saved this deaf dog's life. Koby is going to have a wonderful life. Jason has done his part in making sure Koby gets a chance.